Civics Exam

A.C.A. § 6-16-149 requires students seeking a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma to pass the Arkansas Civics Exam with a score of 60% or better.  This requirement begins with the 2018-2019 school year. The Sylvan Hills High School North Campus students will begin testing the week of November 2, 2020; and will conclude this exam by December 18th. If your child is a virtual student, we must have a parent test security agreement on file. If you have previously filled out this form this school year, we will not need an updated form. We’ve added the parent security agreement form and a practice test for our students. Students will take the exam with their Civics teacher. Please feel free to contact Lori Brown, Testing Coordinator if you have any questions. 501-833-1170 or 

Parent Security Agreement

Student Study Guide